red to as "Adult" bookstores. Unhappily these are about the only type of store that will carry TVia but it is also where the searching FP looks. So approach such stores in your city and show and tell them about the magazine and see if you can't get them to express an interest in carrying it. The price to them is $2.75 per issue post prepaid and COD. If they will give you an order there and then take it and mail it to me. If they want to contact me write me their name and address and the man to write to and I'll take it from there. If you can get the magazine in a store some lonely FP will find it just like many of you did.

5. Run an ad in some local newspaper-even in a neighborhood throw-away sheet, anything that has a Personals column in it. Lots of FPs look in such columns hoping to find some woman who is selling larger sized clothing, furs or wigs as a means of avoiding the embarras- sment of shopping in stores. Imagine the surprise and interest you would have felt years ago to find an ad such as: “Are you a heterosexual male who enjoys wearing womens clothes? Would you like help in un- derstanding yourself, meeting others etc. Write Chevalier Publications, Dept. Box 36091, Los Angeles, Calif. 90036." In the blank space insert the first 3 numerals of your local zip code and then write me that you have done so so we can keep track of the success of the ad. If your newspaper is censorious of ads be sure and use the words "heterosexual" and "counselling" so as to avoid the gay implications and to indicate that the purpose is help and counselling. The second line could well be, "Do you need help and counselling?" This should get by the editor and should also appeal to the FP who sees it. Would you have answered such an ad 10 years ago? If yes, then put one in for the next guy, if no then ask yourself what would have caught your eye and put that in in- stead. Everybody won't react to the same thing but all FPs will react to some sort of statement that is up their alley.

6. If you feel free enough to be able to give talks or radio appear- ances or whatever on the subject please do so. I've printed enough of my talks and papers in the past to provide plenty of meat for your ef- forts. If you can't talk, write. Write to columnists like Dear Abby (tho she has been brain washed by me so she is not so needful, try the others) when they write an answer to a letter that refers to cross dressing, and give her/him hell or praise according to what was deserved. Write to magazine editors who publish stupid contrived stories such as you find occasionally in mens magazines and tell him how stupid they are and ask him if he would run a decent article on the subject. If he says yes, either you do it yourself or send the data to me and I'll try to find time to do so.